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CALL : DEEPAK : 09899312998 / 09540861713 / 09718685497 Genxtranslators Chinese Translator Hyderabad Russian Translation Hyderabad Korea...
新冠肺炎疫情全世界持续蔓延,在欧洲国家中,意大利、西班牙、法国逐渐趋于平稳,并呈现下降的趋势, 目前,法国日新增病例突破5000例,累计确诊人数近12万人,累计死亡人数突破了1万人, 在英国首相约翰逊染病进出ICU依然领导国家抗疫之际,法国总统马克龙也没闲着,他没戴口...
The capital city of Telangana, Hyderabad is a popular tourist destination and presents its visitors with a mesmerising contrast of age old...
【海外网4月1日|战疫全时区】 据日本NHK电视台4月1日报道,因新冠肺炎疫情持续蔓延,日本政府宣布,来自世界所有国家和地区的入境人员(包括日本人),必须在政府指定场所隔离2周。此外,日本将拒绝入境的对象扩大到73个国家和地区。 1日,日本政府在新冠肺炎对策总部表示,将追...
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当地时间 4 月 9 日,在经过约 6 小时飞行后,俄罗斯 “ 联盟 MS-16” 飞船 9 日与国际空间站顺利对接,将来自俄罗斯和美国的 3 名宇航员送入空间站 . 据俄航天集团网站 9 日发布的消息,载有 “ 联盟 MS-16” 飞船的 “ 联盟 -2.1a” ...
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Monday, September 23, 2019
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Places to Visit in Hyderabad - Charminar
The capital city of Telangana, Hyderabad is a popular tourist destination and presents its visitors with a mesmerising contrast of age old traditions, culture at one end and modern facilities, amenities of a metropolitan city at the other end. Hyderabad is one city, which has no dearth of tourist attractions.
The very well known Charminar of Hyderabad is located at the Old City. This square shaped structure with a height of 56 m and breadth of 30 m was constructed in 1591. It was built by Sultan Mohammed Quli Qutb Shah in the honor of his wife Bhagmati.
Also referred as the ‘Arc de Triomphe of the East’, Charminar is adorned with four towers in each corner. The minarets on each side, is of 48.7 m height, each with four storeys. Chaminar has a small mosque as well on the top floor. There are 45 prayer spaces which are still visited by people, particularly on Fridays. Lighting in the evening is quite glamorous and makes for a worth watching site.
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